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SacJUG Meeting Archive

January 11, 2011

Chris Scheuble
Open Discussion
Reviewed Ted Neward's "Tech Predictions, 2011 Edition".
We barely made it through the list.
The list can be found on his Ted Neward's Technical Blog .

The sandwiches, desert and drinks were sponsored by TEKsystems , COMSYS , and The Scheuble Group .

February 8, 2011

Mark Eschbach
System Analyst & Software Developer
Phunctional System Integration
The Phunctional System Integration (PSI) is a Java testing harness for managing the life cycle of Java Web Application containers, including the starting, stopping, and deployment. PSI alleviates the need to have an external Servlet container such as Tomcat or Jetty running to test your Web Applications, as PSI will dynamically create the container in your testing process. This is in contrast to Cactus which requires you to modify and keep running an existing installation of a Servlet container. If you are using Selenium , PSI could construct and mediate a Servlet container for your Selenium process to consume.

For this session's demo we will be discussing Jetty, Maven, a Prime Number generator, RESTful services (JAX-RS), Spring, TestNG, Tomcat, and Wicket.

We raffled off an O'Reilly book!

The sandwiches, desert and drinks were sponsored by TEKsystems , COMSYS , and The Scheuble Group .

March 8, 2011

Chris Scheuble
Software Developer
Laws That Govern SDLC
A presentation of what can be called laws that govern SDLC. These laws were described in the book "The Mythical Man-Month" by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
Many social factors are at play during the development of a software product. Most technical problems have long been solved. The management and control of these social factors determine the quality and cost of a software product.
But most importantly for the programmer, these social factors cause major headaches and frustration. Understanding the laws of SDLC can improve a programmers quality of life and encourage programmers to discover new ways to overcome these SDLC laws.

We raffled off the book " The Mythical Man-Month " by Frederick P. Brooks .

April 12, 2011

Brian Lavender
Today, Hibernate is a collection of related projects enabling developers to utilize POJO-style domain models in their applications in ways extending well beyond Object/Relational Mapping.
Brian will present a discussion on Hibernate resources, tools, and server environments available for developing Hibernate solutions. With Brian's depth of knowledge about software languages and language parsers, you can bet that there will be a fair amount of discussion about the pro and cons of Hibernate's overall strategy and its integration into other technologies (frameworks, tools, and servers).

May 10, 2011

Mark Eschbach
Design Patterns
Mark presented a comparison of patterns that are in common use. Some patterns differ only in their intent of purpose. Others differ only in their intent of effect, structure versus run-time. A few are very similar yet differ in their intended application. While a few exist for the sole purpose of lively discussions.
For the advanced session we continued our discussion on other patterns and selected some more patterns for comparisons that Mark will present to the group in future meetings.

Mark identified two works that are used as guidelines and principles for crafting object oriented software: The group offered these books for design pattern references (not in any particular order): For the purpose of illustrating differences between design patterns the group offered these factors:
  • Intent
  • Motivation
  • Cost / Complexity / Maintenance Effort
  • Phase: Static / Instance and Structure / Runtime
  • Dependencies
  • Mutability / Immutability
  • Application and Purpose
  • Object Oriented Principles (Barbara Liskov, Jeannette Wing)
We raffled off the book " Beautiful Architecture " by Diomidis Spinellis , Georgios Gousios .

June 14, 2011

Mark Eschbach
Design Patterns
Starter Session
A comparison of the patterns Builder , Factory Abstract , and Factory Method .
Advance Session
Open Discussion
We raffled off the book " Essential Business Process Modeling " by Michael Havey .

July 12, 2011

Carson Gross
Language Features As A Library
A brief talk on the experimental Protocols typeloader for Gosu and some discussion about Ronin , a small Gosu-based web framework.
Protocols provide a way to achieve duck typing in Gosu without sacrificing static verification. This functionality is achieved by introducing Protocol Types into Gosu via The Open Type System.
Ronin is a strongly typed MVC web framework for the Gosu programming language. It integrates seamlessly with (but can be used independently of) Tosa, a Gosu-based object-relational mapping layer.
We raffled off the book " RESTful Web Services Cookbook " by Michael Havey .

August 9, 2011

Mark Eschbach
Composed Iteration With Decoration
A presentation continuing the discussion of patterns within Java, including implementation and applicable theory. This session will focus on three patterns: Iteration, Composition, and Decoration.
We raffled off the book " 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know " Edited by Kevlin Henney .

September 13, 2011

Brian Lavender
Apache Wicket
With proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for powerful, reusable components written with plain Java and HTML.
We raffled off the book " Algorithms in a Nutshell " Edited by George T. Heineman , Gary Pollice , Stanley Selkow .

October 11, 2011

Jani Laakso
RIA in Java without Plug-ins or JavaScript.
Vaadin is a web application framework for Rich Internet Applications (RIA) . In contrast to Javascript libraries and browser-plugin based solutions, it features a robust server-side architecture. This means that the largest part of the application logic runs securely on the server. Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is used on the browser side to ensure a rich and fluent user experience.

Vaadin is a large collection of UI components. You compose the application user interface from components such as Buttons, Tables, Trees and Layouts. The components use events, listeners and data binding to communicate with each other and with your business logic.

Vaadin is a robust architecture for rapid application development. The component-based architecture together with statically typed Java language and data binding features help you build applications that are easily modularized and refactored as needed. The IDE and tooling support including visual designing tool help you to build web user interface extremely fast.

Presentation includes live coding of a RIA application using 100% Java.
We raffled off the book " Building Social Web Applications " by Gavin Bell .

November 8, 2011

Steve Holmes
Gradle Gradle pushes declarative builds to a new level. It allows users to provide there own declarative elements and to customize the behavior of the build-in ones. Thus enabling concise, expressive and maintainable builds. All this is build on a rich, flexible imperative layer of tasks.

With its Deep API, Gradle allows you to hook in and customize every aspect of the build, be it configuration or execution behavior.

Gradle comes with many optimization strategies for building fast and yet reliably. It has a powerful support for multi-project builds and transitive dependency management. It allows to integrate with your existing Ant/Maven builds and your Ivy/Maven/Custom repositories.
We raffled off the book " jQuery Cookbook " by jQuery Community Experts.

December 13, 2011

Tim Schafer
Wicket version 1.5 is here!

With proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for powerful, reusable components written with plain Java and HTML.
We raffled off the book " Open Government " by Daniel Lathrop , Laurel Ruma .
